Getting Started at THE LAB
You’ve decided you want to become a LAB member. What happens next? First, we want to get to know everything about you during your intake…
During your intake we’ll get to know you, learn your goals:
Where are you now? Where do you want to be in 3 months, a year, or 10 years from now?
Do you have injuries or suffer chronic pain? We want to know so we can plan your training and PT appropriately.
What’s your schedule like? Our concierge scheduler will meet with you to plan your time with us.
The way the body moves tells a story. It’s the physical narrative of who we are. It can tell us we might be headed toward injury, reveal why our performance is lacking, or bring to light the cause of our chronic pain. Which is why THE LAB, and our partner facility, P3, developed our science-driven assessment programs for our clients, increasing precision, efficiency, and outcomes. And it has made all the difference.

"THE LAB’s Physical Therapy Assessment is one part of our comprehensive assessment program. Our physical therapists use a combination of manual therapy and palpation, movement screening, strength testing, and stability scoring to gain insight into why your body moves the way that it does.
This insight helps to inform our staff of your body’s capabilities, strengths, and weaknesses. Using this information, we create collaborative and tailored programs to help you recover from injury and pain, prevent future injury, and improve performance."
If you choose to be a part of THE LAB nutrition program, you will meet with LAB medical director, Dr. Fred Kass. He will order blood work, a continuous glucose monitor, and any other tests he deems necessary to tailor how you eat and what you eat to your physiological needs.
You’ll have weekly accountability checkins with nutrition coach Abby Henry to get new recipes, food shopping and menu tips, and who will hold you accountable to your program.